I help people live richer lives by supporting them improve their relationships with themselves, others, and the earth through utilizing a healing modality called Core Energetics. It has parts that are like talk therapy, and it also brings in your body and spirit through movement, playful vocalization, breathwork, and whatever else might be helpful.

my story
While I was having success working with a more traditional therapist, I knew I needed something different. I couldn’t figure out what needed to change, but I kept finding myself falling into the same patterns. Meanwhile, inexplicable emotions kept on showing up every time I would connect with my body through yoga, running, or massage. At the same time, therapy also felt too focused on just me as an individual. I wanted it to be more community oriented and holistic.
That's when I stumbled upon Core Energetics, a healing modality that helped me connect to those emotions, understand how they were trying to help me, and then fully embody them and all the other emotions and wisdom—ancestral and lived—that were buried within. Something in the process of expressing what wanted to be expressed but hadn’t been helped me start to see the change in myself that I was looking for. As I connected more deeply with myself, no longer as numb to myself and my existence, I found myself more able to connect deeply with family, friends, the land, and the rest of life.
I provide virtual sessions as a Core Energetics practitioner-in-training. Core Energetics is a healing modality that engages mind, body, and spirit. Sessions typically last 50 minutes. And if I can, I will work with you on a sliding scale to meet you where you are financially.